Accordingly, the order anaerolineae of the phylum chloroflexi has been identified as an obligate anaerobe, and the order flavobacteriales of the phylum bacteroidota are aerobic chemoorganotrophs . The sequence reads of anaerolineae after dry down events are highest for the CF treatment, followed by LS. In contrast, flavobacteriales follow the opposite trend, increasing in sequence reads after the dry down event for HS and MS treatments. Given that the identified aerobic and anaerobic orders in our rhizosphere soil samples correlate with the oxic and anoxic conditions introduced by dry down treatments and follow an expected trend with regards to the severity of the treatments, we can infer that II treatments of a single dry down event have the potential to shift the microbial communities of the rhizosphere in rice paddies. As we aim to understand how changes in the abundance of microbial communities under II treatments throughout a rice growing season affect the chemistry and cycling of elements in the rhizosphere, we recall that in Chapter 2 and in Seyfferth et al., 2017, a positive correlation between As and Fe precipitated in rice root plaque was found. Now we must determine if bacterial communities are contributing to the interactions between these elements in the rhizosphere of rice. Bacteria of the family geobacteraceae of the phylum desulfobacterota, anaeromyxobacteraceae of the phylum myxococcota , as well as the genus ferribacterium of the class gammaproteobacteria ,vertical vegetable tower have been found as iron reducing bacteria in paddy soils. In our study, geobacteraceae was found in a lowest amount in the HStreatment, and anaeromyxobacteraceae in the MS and HS treatments.
Both taxa increased in sequence reads between 60-90 days after sowing. Reads of the genus ferribacterium were present in all treatments before dry down events and decreased progressively to zero following dry down treatments for HS, MS, and LS. Additionally, some commonly reported Fe oxidizing bacteria, which may also oxidize As, include genera acidovorax and thiobacillus of the class gammaproteobacteria , and the genus nitrospira of the phylum nitrospirota . The sequence reads of thiobacillus were higher for the HS treatment, followed by MS throughout the growing season. Similarly, acidovorax expressed higher reads for the HS treatment after a dry down event and decreased after reflooding; it was not identified in the CF treatment. Unexpectedly, nitrospira, despite being aerobic, did not follow this trend; higher sequence reads were identified for the LS and CF treatments after dry down treatments. This genus has been related to different processes involved in Fe, N, and S cycling in the rhizosphere of rice, which could explain a contrasting trend given that it may be impacted by proton exchange processes in these elemental cycles . Our results show changes in aerobic and anerobic, as well as iron oxidizing and reducing, taxa related to II treatments, confirming that oxic and anoxic fluctuations in soil due to a single dry down event impact the community structure of rice rhizosphere soil bacteria. Alpha diversity results revealed 20 to 25% more diversity in features within a CF soil sample compared to dry soil before sowing. In contrast, we learned from our PCoA results that the changes in microbial community composition expressed in variability between samples is higher for II treatments than CF throughout the growing season.
These changes in the diversity of the II samples are explained by the variability factors such as taxonomic differences and abundance. Our pot experiment was conducted as a replication of the 2017 2018 rice growing field trials at Biggs, CA explained in Chapter 1. Although water management treatments, as well as plant care were carefully planned, it is necessary to consider that this experiment cannot fully imitate field conditions in terms of scale, hydrology, and other environmental factors. In fact, it may be considered as a closed system given that each replicate consists of 1 gallon of soil, thus the movement of dissolved constituents of the soil solution is limited, as well as the space for root growth and the balance of air and water in soil . In addition, dry down treatments were not performed in the precise way as field trials, given that our system cannot imitate the evapotranspiration and percolation rates of a paddy field. Instead, bins were drained for 1, 3.5, and 5.5 days for LS, MS, and HS, respectively. Despite having reached the water potential of the II treatments at the field trial, the period of drainage was shorter. Given these differences, we cannot expect that the observed changes in microbial communities from pot trials will necessarily be the same at the field scale. Additionally, As concentrations in the soil used for this experiment represented northern California conditions and are low in comparison to paddy soils in Southeast Asia and other rice growing regions. Consequently, As levels were too low to be the main factor shaping the bacterial communities in this study . It is important to consider that higher concentrations of As may significantly affect the microbial community diversity in paddy soils . Seasonally dry tropical forests are dominated by deciduous species coexisting with a small number of evergreen species . Trees withstand the dry season through two mechanisms of drought resistance: desiccation delay and desiccation tolerance . Two important traits related to desiccation delay are leaf shedding which reduces water loss, and depth of rooting , which determines the sources of water and nutrients used by vegetation . Although previous reports suggested that evergreen species access relatively deeper water sources than deciduous species ,more recent reports suggest that access to water is more related to tree size than phenology .
However, there is relatively little information regarding differences among deciduous species having different timing or leaf shedding behavior, even though it is well known that leaf senescence behavior varies greatly among tropical dry forest tree species. Flushing and leaf abscission result from complex interactions between plants and their environment; in many species, the main abiotic factors driving these processes are solar radiation, air relative humidity, vapor pressure deficit,vertical farming equipments precipitation and soil water content . Four main categories of leaf shedding phenology have been proposed by Williams et al. : evergreen species, which retain a full canopy throughout the year; partially deciduous species, which lose up to 50 % of their canopy during the dry season; semi deciduous species, which lose more than 50 % of their canopy during the dry season; and deciduous species, in which all leaves are lost during the dry season as they remain leafless for at least 1 month. Most tropical dry forest species are thought to deploy the majority of their root systems relatively deep in the soil profile where moisture tends to be greater and of longer duration . However, in northern Yucatan the hard upper limestone layer, beginning immediately below the shallow soil, impedes root growth, limiting downward growth to crevices and rhizoliths, and the occasional cavities filled with soil material .Thus, in the seasonally dry tropical forests of northern Yucatan, the ability of tree species to grow deep roots and access additional sources of water beyond topsoil could be a crucial characteristic related to variation in phenology and the relative abundance of contrasting tree species. Sources of water used by trees can often be identified by comparing the isotopic composition of water from stems with potential water sources, because there is usually no isotopic fractionation of either hydrogen or oxygen isotopes during water uptake . When trees take water from more than one source, the proportion of water absorbed from each source can be calculated using isotope mixing models . Such models were developed to cope with multiple sources and allow the input of ancillary data that are known about the system to constrain model outputs, thereby providing results that are restricted to real possibilities. Sources of water used by native trees in northern Yucatan have been studied using these approaches, and large variation in the depth of water uptake among deciduous and evergreen species has been observed . Furthermore, using these same isotopic approaches along a forest age chronosequence in northeastern Yucatan, evergreen trees were found to access deeper water sources than deciduous species in early succession . Thus, integrating rooting depth as a component of tropical dry forest tree strategies appears especially promising in complex karstic Yucatecan soils. Water use efficiency , the ratio of carbon gained in photosynthesis relative to water loss during transpiration , is another key factor when considering the costs and benefits of a deep rooting system.
Leaf carbon isotopic composition can be used to assess WUE in certain circumstances, and is often positively related to WUE because a high photosynthetic rate per unit stomatal conductance is usually associated with relatively low internal CO2 concentration and reduces discrimination against 13CO2 by rubisco . Although d13C has been used alone to infer WUE, its combination with analysis of isotopic composition leaf organic oxygen improves interpretation of leaf d13C values by allowing analysis of whether variation in d13C is due to changes on the photosynthetic activity or stomatal activity . When humidity increases, the isotopic enrichment of leaf water decreases, causing a reduction in d18O . Theory and empirical data also demonstrate that d18O correlated negatively with stomatal conductance . In shallow soils of northern Yucatan, Querejeta et al. showed that individuals of the same tree species differing in age had different WUE, with younger trees having greater WUE than older ones, indicating that these techniques hold promise for integrating potential differences in water sources with leaf physiological activity. This study focuses on phenological variation between two dominant tropical dry forest species in relation to the depth of water uptake. We hypothesize that the late deciduous habit in P. piscipula and the early deciduous habit in G. floribundum may be determined by their ability to take water from different sources. P. piscipula may have access to deeper sources than G. floribundum. However, due to the restrictions for root growth imposed by the hard bedrock, both species will likely extract most of their water from shallow sources. We also hypothesize that differential use of water sources is linked to key ecophysiological measures of plant performance, including the timing of leaf fall, leaf size, leaf water potential and the balance of carbon gain and water loss as interpreted by leaf stable isotopic composition.Our results show that the greatest variation in stem water d18O and plant water sources occurred during the frontal season and initiation of the dry season in February, whenG. floribundum was shedding old leaves and growing new leaves, but P. piscipula maintained its leaves from the previous wet season . Contrary to what was expected, P. piscipula took water primarily from shallow sources regardless of the month, although some contribution from deeper sources has the potential to occur. Rain also appeared to be an important source for this species. This implies that P. piscipula could have a very well developed shallow root system that allows rapid water uptake after a precipitation event. On the other hand, G. floribundum took water from topsoil and bedrock, the latter being a more important source in the dry season. This suggests a deeper root system than G. floribundum. Overall, our results indicate that the contrasting early and late dry season leaf loss phenology of these two species is not simply determined by rooting depth, but rather a more complicated suite of species based characteristics based on opportunistic use of dynamic water sources, the balance between carbon gain and water loss, and maintenance of water potential at the end of the dry season. These results are consistent with other studies demonstrating a broad array of coordinated strategies for dealing with seasonal drought in tropical forests . A primary factor determining differences in leaf loss phenology between the two studied species appears to be the maintenance of water potential. G. floribundum consistently exhibited more positive water potential values than P. piscipula, suggesting that G. floribundum has a limited capacity to tolerate negative water potential and moderates water use in a manner that maintains bulk leaf water potential at relatively more positive values compared to P. piscipula . This could provide an advantage of maximizing carbon gain during the dry season when light availability is high .