We found that soil bulk EC was consistently and directly related to long-term 9 stem over the course of our study

In Zone 2, we measured higher cyanidins and di-hydroxylatedanthocyanins on 24 August , and that was the only date Zone 2 had higher concentrations in any of these derivatives. The temporal relationships between TSS and berry skin anthocyanins were investigated in both years . In both years, skin anthocyanins increased with the accumulation of TSS at first. In 2016, berry anthocyanins of Zone 1 had a significant decline in skin anthocyanins after 25◦Bx TSS, resulting a lower concentration when compared to Zone 2 . Conversely, the second season consistently showed greater anthocyanin concentration in Zone 1 than Zone 2 . However, Zone 1 showed a more rapid decline after around 25◦Bx TSS, and the skin anthocyanins were similar in values with Zone 2.Wine-free anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins were assessed in both years. For anthocyanins, Zone 2 had higher concentrations of all derivatives in 2016, including tri-, di- hydroxylated, and total anthocyanins . All the compounds were more than two times greater than Zone 1. However, there was no difference observed in any of these compounds in 2017. The overall concentrations of all these compounds were greater in 2017 than 2016. For proanthocyanidins, similar results were observed . In 2016, all the extension and terminal subunits were higher in Zone 2 than Zone 1. The amount of total proanthocyanidins were also higher in Zone 2. In 2017, however, there was no difference observed in any of these subunits or total proanthocyanidins. Again, plastic pot plant containers the second season showed greater concentrations in all of these compounds compared to the first season. Neither year showed difference in mDP between the two zones.

In our previous work, we were unable to deduce a significant relationship between site topography variables such as absolute elevation and berry chemistry . Bramley et al. showed that soil bulk EC was directly related to soil clay content, which was contradictory to our findings. We attributed this discrepancy to the relatively stable soil texture throughout the season or even several seasons. On the other hand, the effect of soil water content might be the major factor to influence plant development during the season. The soil texture and soil bulk EC sensing analysis conducted in this study were able to explain the variability in plant water status that the site topography could not. Soil texture and soil bulk EC can be related to spatial differences in soil water availability . Specifically, soil texture is a determinant of soil water holding capacity, hence affecting the amount of water available to the plants. In our study, the western section of the vineyard had greater loam proportion, where the grapevines were experiencing more severe water deficits . The eastern section had more sandy soil in both deep and shallow soil, where the grapevines were under less severe water deficits. Our findings are corroborated with previous work, where clay soil would lead to less plant available water, although clay soil had higher water holding capacity than sandy soil . Furthermore, Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines grown in clay soil would result in lower gs and An compared to grapevines grown in soils that had higher proportion of sandy soils . There was evident variability in soil bulk EC in this study. Previous studies reported that when soil bulk EC was proximally sensed, it was closely related to soil water content . Our findings are corroborated by previous works , where higher soil bulk EC values corresponded to higher soil water content. Previous studies suggested that the relationship between soil water content and soil bulk EC was soil-specific, and needed to include soil chemical and physical properties to explain variability and plant water status .

Due to the limited amount of water put into wine grape vineyards, soil water content would be the major factor affecting soil electrical properties rather than the residual salinity after water evaporation from soil. The significant relationship between soil bulk EC and 9 stem in this study agreed with previous studies, indicating the possibility of soil bulk EC sensing being used to assess plant water status . Moreover, in our study, the spatial variability in grapevine physiology reflected the variability in soil bulk EC very well when assessed by proximal sensing. Due to the relationship of soil bulk EC on the amount of available water to plants reported in previous research , this approach had been utilized to identify the variability in the plant physiology based on the soil sensing technologies and apply targeted management strategies , and our study provided more evidence toward the feasibility of it.The variability we measured proximally in soil characteristics was reflected in plant water status and leaf gas exchange in our study. Previous research had reported that variable soil characteristics in space would cause spatial variations in plant water status . Although the precipitation amounts were vastly different between the two dormant seasons, the uniformly scheduled irrigation did not ameliorate the natural spatial variability in plant water status induced by soil properties. On the contrary, the separations in plant water status and leaf gas exchange were already significant even before the irrigation ceased after veraison. This proved that the spatial variability in the soil dominated the accessibility of the available soil water toward the plant, and made the spatial variability expressed in the grapevine. Our results in the second year corroborated those of the first year, showing that the separation in both plant water status and leaf gas exchange between the two zones were consistent. Leaf gas exchange was closely related to plant water status, and this relationship was shown in previous research . The relationships between leaf gas exchange and plant water status were evident in our study, where a higher 9 stem would promote a greater stomatal conductance to increase carbon assimilation capacity and decrease intrinsic water use efficiency.

In our study, the lowest 9 stem we observed were around harvest with 9 stem of -1.6 MPa and gs of around 50 mmol H2O m−2 ·s −1 , which were not severe enough to impair berry ripening although the photosynthetic activities were still affected. Overall, the gs and AN reached the maximum values at veraison and declined with decreasing plant water status and leaf age toward the end of the season. This further affirmed that the continuous water deficits during the growing season, especially being more pronounced after irrigation was ended after veraison, would reduce stomatal conductance. The water deficits would act as passive hydraulic signals or active hormonal signals with the upregulation in abscisic acid synthesis to limit plant photosynthetic activities, hence lower gs and AN values .According to the previous research, components of yield may be affected by plant water status, where higher water deficits would result in reductions of yield, berry skin weight, and berry weight . In our study, we observed constant separation in plant water status after veraison. However, there was no difference shown in cluster number, yield, berry number, large plastic gardening pots or pruning weight. The only difference measured in yield components was that berry skin weight was higher in Zone 1 in the second season. Early season water deficit irrigation had higher probability to decrease yield than later season water deficit irrigation . However, a season-long water deficit irrigation would have the lowest yield even despite the season-long water deficit irrigation regime applying double amount of water than the other regimes . Some other studies did not have the same results, as early water deficit irrigation did not show significant influences on yield compared to late water deficit irrigation . Another possible explanation was that Zone 1 had greater water amount held in the soil due to the higher clay content. The clay soil with higher water-holding capacity had a better water status at the early season compared to Zone 2, even though the sandy soil in Zone 2 would benefit the plant growth with irrigation when the season progressed . The later season water deficit was exacerbated in Zone 1 due to its higher clay content, causing Zone 1 lost the benefits from the high water status in the early season, and eventually had similar yield components with Zone 2 at harvest. In our work, we did not see any evidence of Ravaz index being affected by spatial variability of plant water status. These results were corroborated by Terry and Kurtural when grapevine cultivar ‘Syrah’ was exposed to post-veraison water deficits in comparable severity of -1.4 MPa .Water deficits affect advancement of grape berry maturity, they promote TSS accumulation and TA degradation in grape berries . Two factors contributed to these differences between the two zones. First, a greater water deficit advanced the berry maturation, leading to a higher TSS and lower TA . Second, berry dehydration may have occurred and the TSS concentration increased in the berries. In our study, smaller berries were observed in Zone 1, which can confirm the berry dehydration could have led to higher TSS in Zone 1. As for berry TA, one study showed that grape organic acids biodegradation would be faster with more solar radiation and higher temperature .

Although the acid degradation was not related to water deficits, like mentioned above, water deficits would limit the grapevines’ ability to regulate temperature . Thus, waterdeficits could promote the organic acid degradation and this effect was observed in this study.Mild water deficits increased the flavonoid content and concentration of red-skinned grape berry due to the upregulation in flavonoid synthesis and the advancement of berry dehydration during growing season . A positive relationship was noticed between soil bulk EC and total skin anthocyanins in 2017 at both depths of soil bulk EC measurements. A more prolonged severe water deficit would lead to deleterious stomatal and temperature regulation and eventually resulted in flavonoid degradation, specifically anthocyanins . This was a plausible explanation for the non-significant relationship between soil bulk EC and total skin anthocyanins in 2016, wherein harvest took place at higher soluble solids and Zone 1 berry skin anthocyanins were presumably in decline. Furthermore, the berry weights were higher in Zone 2, which was similar to the observations in our previous work , indicating there was less berry dehydration. Thus, the higher anthocyanins in Zone 2 was mainly due to the upregulation in anthocyanins other than anthocyanins degradation. These effects were also observed in the wines of 2016, where Zone 2 had higher anthocyanin concentrations. However, in the second season, the differences in berry skin anthocyanins at harvest did not carry over into the wines. We contributed this to the more advanced berry maturity levels at harvest in the first season, the skin cell walls could have become more porous during ripening and increased the extractability of flavonoid compounds . With relatively greater amounts of flavonoids extracted, there was a higher chance to pass on the separations of anthocyanins from the berries to the wines. Grape berry skin proanthocyanidins are less sensitive toward water deficits than anthocyanins . Nevertheless, their biosynthesis and concentration may be modified by water deficits . In 2016, wine total proanthocyanidins and all the subunits were greater in Zone 2. These differences were not observed in the second season. We attributed this lack of consistency in proanthocyanidin disparities between the two zones to the more advanced maturity of the berries were harvested in 2016 than in 2017. We suggest that similar to skin anthocyanins, the more advanced berry maturity in 2016 could have promoted the proanthocyanidin extractability in the skin tissues , which may augment the separations in the concentration of all the subunits between the two zones.The global COVID-19 pandemic affected nearly every aspect of modern society and caused millions of hospitalizations and deaths across the globe. By the end of 2021, the state of Colorado alone reported nearly one million positive COVID-19 cases that resulted in more than 10,000 deaths . The economic shocks from the pandemic produced a recession that disproportionately affected certain economic sectors and the lives and livelihoods of all Coloradans. The state’s unemployment rate ballooned to 12.1 percent in April 2020 after ending the prior year at 2.6 percent . Federal and state governments adopted numerous public health measures seeking to contain the spread of the virus. Congress and state legislatures across the country also enacted economic stimulus bills aimed at mitigating the pandemic’s economic damage.