Fruit and leaf were pressurized inside a commercial pressure chamber

All sensor signals were logged at 20min intervals and averaged every hour. The results presented are the averages of four replications. Xylem sap uptake into the fruit was determined based on the daily average xylem sap flow measurements from 15 and 30 DAP.Extractions were accomplished at the end of the irrigation cycle, before 08:00h. Soil solution was extracted by adding 450ml of the nutrient solution, without Ca2+, to each plant pot, and collecting the drained leachate. After collecting the soil leachate, plants were decapitated 15 cm above the soil level and the pots containing the roots plus stem stump were used to extract the stem xylem sap. Two fruit and two middle leaves were harvested at the end of the irrigation cycle from each replicate plant with the entire peduncle and pedicel attached and kept in a sealed plastic bag for xylem sap extraction. Xylem sap extraction was accomplished by placing the plant pot, fruit, or leaf blade inside a pressure chamber , while the cut end of the stem, peduncle, or pedicel was exposed to the outside of the chamber through a seal. After sealing, the pressure inside the chamber was increased up to 0.8MPa with N2. The initial xylem sap moving out of the stem, peduncle, or pedicel cut end was blotted dry to reduce Ca2+ contamination from the cut. The following 100 μl was collected over a period of 5min and used to determine the Ca2+ concentration in the xylem sap . The plant pots were pressurized in a custom-built chamber large enough to hold a 9.5 litre pot, with a two-part lid in order to allow assembly around the stem of an intact plant .

The custom-built chamber was also used to pressurize the roots of whole plants to induce guttation on leaf blades, growing bags which were collected for Ca2+ quantification. The guttation samples represent the xylem sap extracted from leaf blades without any contamination from a cut surface. Apoplastic water-soluble Ca2+ was extracted from the blossom-end pericarp tissue of tomato fruit as previously described by De Freitas et al. .The Ca2+ concentration in the soil solution, xylem sap, and apoplastic solution was determined with an Ultra-M micro Ca2+-selective electrode . A standard Ca2+ calibration curve was used to determine the Ca2+ concentration in the samples. The Ca2+ concentration in leaf and fruit tissues was determined in freeze-dried leaf blades, as well as pericarp tissues manually cut from the peduncle and blossom regions of the fruit. Freeze-dried samples were subjected to microwave acid digestion and analysed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry . Calcium accumulation was quantified by subtracting the total middle leaf and fruit Ca2+ contents observed at 15 DAP from the total middle leaf and fruit Ca2+ contents observed at 30 DAP. Calcium accumulation was also estimated by multiplying the quantified xylem sap Ca2+ concentration observed in the middle leaf pedicel and fruit peduncle by its respective daily average xylem sap flow rate observed at 15 and 30 DAP.BER was completely suppressed by spraying the whole plants weekly with ABA during fruit growth and development, compared with water-sprayed fruit that reached a 36% incidence of BER at 30 DAP . Dipping the fruit in solutions containing ABA prevented BER development at 15 DAP, but ABA-dipped fruit reached a 16% incidence of BER at 30 DAP. Control fruit dipped in water had a 39% incidence of BER at 30 DAP. The electrolyte leakage of fruit pericarp tissue was lower in response to whole-plant and fruit-specific ABA treatments at 15 DAP . At 30 DAP, only the whole-plant ABA treatment had lower electrolyte leakage in fruit pericarp tissue. SWP was less negative in response to whole-plant ABA treatment at 15 and 30 DAP compared with all other treatments .

Leaf stomatal conductance progressively increased from the base, middle, to the top regions of the plant, and was lower in the whole-plant ABA treatment at 15 and 30 DAP compared with all other treatments . Whole-plant water spraying, as well as water and ABA dip treatments, had similar stomatal conductance for the basal, middle, and top leaves. Based on the stomatal conductance analysis, the plant ABA uptake was considered high with whole-plant ABA treatment, and no significant ABA movement from the fruit into the plant was observed based on changes in stomatal conductance in response to fruit-specific ABA dip treatment . Plant water loss was reduced by the whole-plant ABA treatment at 15 and 30 DAP , but was similar in all other treatments, including the ABA fruit dip. Whole-plantat 15 and 30 DAP . The water spray treatment had the highest sap flow during most of the daylight period at 15 and 30 DAP . The average flow of xylem sap moving into the fruit during a 24h irrigation cycle was substantially higher on plants sprayed with ABA, compared with all other treatments , with the same diurnal pattern as seen in the leaves . At 15 DAP, fruit on water-sprayed plants, as well as water- and ABA-dipped fruit had a reverse flow of xylemic sap from the fruit back to the plant, starting in the late afternoon until the next irrigation cycle in the morning . The ABA-dipped treatment had a slightly higher sap flow to the fruit than the two water treatments at 15 and at 30 DAP . Fruit on plants sprayed with ABA had no reverse xylemic sap flow throughout the irrigation cycle at 15 DAP, but had the same diurnal pattern, with the lowest flows occurring during the night period . The diurnal pattern of fruit xylem flow at 30 DAP was similar to that at 15 DAP, but the magnitude was substantially reduced, again with no discernible reverse flow . Spraying tomato plants with ABA resulted in higher total fruit water uptake used for growth and lower fruit water uptake through the phloem from 15 to 30 DAP .

The estimated phloem sap solute concentration uptake into the fruit from 15 to 30 DAP was higher in ABA-sprayed plants than in non-sprayed plants .The Ca2+ concentrations in the soil solution and in the main stem xylem sap were similar among all treatments at 15 and 30 DAP. The average Ca2+ concentration in the soil solution among treatments was 1.41±0.09 mM at 15 DAP and 1.08±0.14 mM at 30 DAP. The average Ca2+ concentration in the main stem xylem sap was 0.72±0.04 mM at 15 DAP and 0.63±0.05 mM at 30 DAP. There was no statistical difference among treatments in Ca2+ concentrations in the xylem sap of basal, middle, or top leaves at 15 or 30 DAP. The same results were obtained when Ca2+ was determined on an independent set of plants under the same treatments using the leaf guttation method . The average xylem sap Ca2+ concentrations were 0.71±0.06 mM and 0.86±0.02 mM in top leaves, 0.77±0.03 mM and 0.87±0.02 mM in middle leaves, and 0.64±0.03 mM and 0.81±0.02 mM in basal leaves at 15 and 30 DAP, respectively. The Ca2+ concentration in the peduncle xylem sap was higher in fruit from ABA-sprayed plants at 15 and 30 DAP, nursery grow bag compared with all other treatments , and water-soluble apoplastic Ca2+ was higher in fruit from ABA-sprayed plants at 15 and 30 DAP, compared with all other treatments . Fruit dipped in ABA solution had slightly higher water-soluble apoplastic Ca2+ than fruit dipped in water and fruit from plants sprayed with water at 15 DAP. The Ca2+ concentration in the top and middle leaves was statistically lower in response to whole-plant ABA treatment compared with all other treatments at 15 and 30 DAP . The Ca2+ concentrations in ABA-sprayed plants were 8.7±0.21 and 8.1±0.09mg g DW–1 in top leaves and 17.5±0.52 and 16.1±0.63mg g DW–1 in middle leaves at 15 and 30 DAP, respectively. The Ca2+ concentrations in all other non-ABA-sprayed plants were 13.0±0.36 and 13.0±0.15mg g DW–1 in top leaves and 25.1±0.96 and 23.9±0.81mg g DW–1 in middle leaves at 15 and 30 DAP, respectively. The Ca2+ concentration in basal leaves was similar in all treatments at 15 DAP , and statistically lower in plants sprayed with ABA than all other treatments at 30 DAP. The Ca2+ concentration in fruit tissue collected at thepeduncle and blossom ends of the fruit was higher in ABAsprayed plants at 15 and 30 DAP . Fruit dipped in ABA had a higher Ca2+ concentration at the blossom-end tissue at 15 DAP, compared with water-dipped fruit and fruit of water-sprayed plants . Ca2+ accumulation was lower in the leaf and higher in the fruit of ABA-sprayed plants than in the other treated plants and fruit from 15 to 30 DAP . Ca2+ accumulation in leaf and fruit quantified by tissue analysis was similar to the estimated Ca2+ accumulation based on the Ca2+ concentration in the xylem sap and xylem sap flow rates into leaf and fruit tissues . The average relative humidity and air temperature from 15 to 30 DAP inside the greenhouse, where the tomato plants were grown, oscillated from 58.2% and 27.8 °C during the day up to 77.8% and 18.2 °C during the night, respectively . The VPD increased from 0.5 kPa at 05:30h to 1.6 kPa at 14:30h, decreasing thereafter . The number of Safranin-O-stained vascular bundles in the placenta and pericarp tissues at the peduncle and blossomend regions of the fruit was higher in response to whole-plant and fruit-specific ABA treatments at 15 DAP . The number of stained vascular bundles decreased in all treatments from 15 to 30 DAP, and all treatments showed a similar number of stained vascular bundles in the placenta and pericarp tissues at the peduncle and blossom-end regions of the fruit at 30 DAP . The fruit growth rate was higher in ABA-sprayed plants compared with all other treatments at 15 and 30 DAP . All treatments showed a positive fruit growth rate during a 24h period at 15 and 30 DAP . For all treatments, the fruit growth rate was higher at 15 DAP than at 30 DAP . The average fruit weight was also higher in ABA-sprayed plants at 15 and 30 DAP . Fruit Ca2+ uptake, both directly quantified and estimated based on the product of fruit xylem sap uptake and fruit peduncle xylem sap Ca2+ concentration, was 6-fold higher in ABA-sprayed plants compared with water-sprayed controls . A much smaller increase in Ca2+ uptake was found in ABA-dipped fruit, but, again, this was consistent for both directly quantified and estimated values . The sprayed and dipped ABA/water ratios for fruit growth rate were 1.41 and 1.15, respectively .Previous studies showed that weekly spraying of tomato plants with ABA prevented BER development in the fruit, while water-sprayed plants reached a 30–45% incidence of BER at 40–45 DAP . At that time, possible mechanisms through which ABA increased fruit Ca2+ concentration and reduced fruit susceptibility to BER were suggested based on estimations of fruit xylem sap uptake and Ca2+ concentration in the xylem sap .Water uptake in leaves comes exclusively from xylem vessels, while water uptake into the fruit comes from both phloem and xylem vascular tissues . Treating the whole plant with ABA reduced stomatal conductance, which resulted in lower plant water loss, lower soil water uptake and xylemic water movement into the leaves, as well as higher SWP and increased xylemic water movement into the fruit. Considering that Ca2+ concentrations in the soil solution and stem xylem sap were similar among all treatments, the observed lower Ca2+ accumulation in ABA-sprayed plants was due to lower soil solution uptake triggered by lower leaf transpiration rates . Our results also estimate a higher solute concentration in the phloem sap moving into the fruit of ABA-sprayed plants . Although ABA reduced stomatal conductance and this would be expected to decrease leaf photosynthesis , the improved plant water status associated with ABA application may have caused compensatory physiological effects in other areas, such as reduced carbon partitioning to roots and/or improved carbon transport rates, resulting in higher solute concentration in the phloem sap, compared with the other treatments. The non-ABA-sprayed plants had an average fruit phloem sap uptake of 1.04ml fruit–1 d–1 and an average phloem sap solute concentration of 144.3mg ml–1 .